
K&A Foods

Case study
Solution Opmetrix
Industry Foodservice


A food service wholesaler in NSW, Australia, K&A Foods distributes food products to clients across Victoria and the Southern Riverina NSW. Founded in 1989, K&A Foods strives to remain competitive through innovation.

With the advances of technology and changes within the wholesale industry, K&A Foods recognised that a mobile sales automation solution was needed.

With 4000 lines of products and a 600-strong customer base, K&A Foods receive large numbers of orders which need to be entered accurately, packed and distributed to customers along with access to consistent and current data across all teams.

Improving customer service was paramount, as was being able to integrate with the accounting program, Attaché. All with the ability to work remotely and offline.


K&A Foods Pty Ltd were looking for a mobile sales solution that created efficiencies within the business and placed it ahead of its competitors.

Opmetrix technology enhances the sales process, improving efficiency and minimising errors. Real time information and accurate data allows management teams to create reports and pinpoint areas and opportunities for development.

Opmetrix’s cloud based system means that orders can be taken offline and highly skilled technologists ensure the installation progress is quick and seamless, integrating with operating systems where required and so the merge with Attaché was not an issue.


Since implementing, Opmetrix has positively affected management and field teams, helping them to manage their working day with accurate stock-on-hand data, pricing and customer details.

Operating offline has provided flexibility to the team and time implementing orders has been significantly reduced. With the ability to provide back to base reporting, Opmetrix has allowed K&A foods to identify gaps and measure results, improving their customer service and equipping their team with new confidence to engage.

"You guys are 10 out of 10! I believe that if companies aren't using a sales automation system they're actually missing out on opportunities. K&A Foods is innovative out in the marketplace because we are ahead of our competitors. Having information at our fingertips is very important for our sales representatives and staff"

Anna Tengstrom Managing Director

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