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Terms & Conditions

Commerce Vision Pty Ltd ACN 095 933 430 (“Commerce Vision”) General Terms and Conditions. 

The Terms are intended to explain Our obligations as a service provider and Your obligations as a customer. We ask that You read them carefully. They apply to the use of the Licensed Software and Our Services. 

The Terms are binding on Your use of the Services and apply to You from the time that you sign this agreement 

In agreeing to use the Services by completing the Customer Order Form you acknowledge that You have read and understood the Terms and have agreed to use the Services strictly in compliance with the Terms.  You confirm you have the authority to act on behalf of any person for whom will be using the Service. You are deemed to have agreed to use the Service strictly in compliance with the Terms acting on Your own or on behalf of any entity for which You use the Service. 

1. Definitions

Agreementmeans Our agreement to provide You with the Services on the terms and conditions contained in this document, together with the Scope of Works and the Customer Order Form, and includes any schedule hereto. 

Business Day” means a day on which banks are open for business in Brisbane, Australia.

Commencement Date” means the date specified in Item 1A of the Customer Order Form.

Confidential Informationincludes all information exchanged between the parties to this Agreement, whether in writing, electronically or orally, including this Agreement, which information is identified as confidential at the time of its disclosure, or ought reasonably to be considered confidential based on its content, nature or the manner of its disclosure, but excluding information which is, or becomes, publicly available other than through the unauthorised disclosure by a party.

Customer” means the customer specified in the Customer Order Form.

Customer Datameans all information, text, data, logos, images, audio, movie clips and all content in any form provided by the Customer which forms part of the Licensed Web Sites. 

Customer Order Formmeans the order form signed by You agreeing to the terms and conditions on which the Services are supplied and to Our Fees. 

Developed Software” means all Software which is developed under this Agreement for You.

Documentationmeans such documents, user manuals, online resources and other materials as are reasonably necessary for the effective installation, operation and use of the Services including without limitation any relevant training manuals or other training materials.

Fees” means the fees charged by Us from time to time for supplying the Services.

Fixed Hosting Feemeans the fixed recurring fee listed in Item 1B of the Customer Order Form invoiced and payable in advance by You to Us for hosting the Licensed Software for the Licensed Web Sites in the Hosting Environment. 

Force Majeure Event” means any event beyond the control of the relevant party.

Governmental Agencymeans any government or any governmental, semi-governmental, administrative, fiscal or judicial body, department, commission, authority, tribunal, agency or entity. 

"Hosting Environment" means the operating environment provided by the Hosting Provider where the Licensed Software is installed. 

Hosting Feemeans the Fixed Hosting Fee or the Variable Hosting Fee which has been ordered by You and specified in the Customer Order Form. 

Hosting Provider” means Us or a company subcontracted by Us to provide the Hosting Environment for hosting the Licensed Software.

Initial Termmeans the period referred to in Item 1 of the Customer Order Form, being 2 years or such shorter period if this Agreement is terminated in accordance with clause 14.  After the Initial Term, the agreement will automatically renew every 12 months unless notice is provided by giving 30 days notice before the renewal date. 

Intellectual Property Rightsmeans any intellectual property rights, including all patents, trade marks, service marks, copyrights, Moral Rights, rights in a design, trade secrets, domain names, know-how and any other intellectual or industrial property rights of a similar nature, whether registrable or not and whether registered or not and applications for registration or rights to make such an application and industrial rights anywhere in the world. 

Internetmeans the worldwide connection of computer networks providing for the transmittal of electronic mail, on-line information, information retrieval and file transfer protocol. 

Lawsmeans all laws applicable in the State of Queensland including rules of common law, principles of equity, statutes, regulations, proclamations, ordinances, by-laws, rules, regulatory principles and requirements, mandatory codes of conduct, writs, orders, injunctions, judgments, contracts, agreements and deeds. 

Licencemeans the licence granted to You to utilise the Licensed Software for the Licensed Web Sites.

Licensed Softwareincludes all computer programs and programming (including source code, object code and micro code), middleware, sub-system software, operating systems, database management systems, system utilities and all software tools, methodology, associated documentation and media on which the software is stored. 

Licensed Web Sitesmeans the web sites listed in Item 1A of the Customer Order Form.

Moral Rightsmeans the moral rights as defined in the Copyright Act 1988 (Cth). 

Party” means either You or Us, as the context requires.

Prevailing Hourly Ratemeans the rate set out in Item 2A of the Customer Order Form (as amended from time to time). 

Privacy Policy” means the policy referred to in the Customer Order Form.

Representatives” means Your or Our respective directors, officers, employees and agents.

Scheduled Maintenance” means tasks planned in advance which need to be performed on the Hosting Environment by Us under this Agreement. 

Schedulesmeans any schedule to this Agreement, including any future additional schedule separately executed as a Schedule to this Agreement. 

Scope of Worksmeans the document that specifies the works to be carried out by Us in supplying the Services for You and which will be supplied by Us to You contemporaneously with the Customer Order Form. 

Servicesmeans the supply of the Licenced Software by Us to You by way of subscription, the support required for maintaining the Licenced Software, the implementation services in delivering the Scope of Works and website hosting in accordance with this Agreement. 

Software Subscription Feemeans the composite fee charged by Us for the provision of the Licensed Software listed in Item 1A of the Customer Order Form. 

Supplementary Servicesmeans any services supplied by Us at Your request which are not contained in the Scope of Works. 

Termsmeans the terms of use referred to in this Agreement as amended by Us from time-to-time. 

Third Partymeans a person or entity other than You or Us. 

Unscheduled Maintenancemeans faults or tasks not planned in advance which need to be performed on the Hosting Environment by us under this Agreement. 

Variable Hosting Feemeans the fee listed in Item 1D of the Customer Order Form invoiced to You monthly in arrears which is based on actual usage of hosting resources and will vary from month to month for hosting the Licensed Software for the Licenced Web Sites in the Hosting Environment. 

We” means Commerce Vision Pty Ltd ACN 095 933 430 “Our” and “Us” have a corresponding meaning.

You” means the Customer and "Your" has a corresponding meaning.


2. Interpretation

2.1  In the interpretation of this Agreement, the following provisions apply unless the context otherwise requires:

  1. Headings are inserted for convenience only and do not affect the interpretation of this document.

  2. If the day on which any act, matter or thing is to be done under this document is not a Business Day, the act, matter or thing must be done on the next Business Day.

  3. A reference in this document to dollars or $ means either Australian or US dollarsThe respective currency is outlined in the customer order form, and all amounts payable under this document are payable in that specific currency. 

  4. A reference in this document to any law, legislation or legislative provision includes any statutory modification, amendment or re-enactment, and any subordinate legislation or regulations issued under that legislation or legislative provision. 

  5. A reference in this document to any agreement or document is to that agreement or document as amended, novated, supplemented or replaced. 

  6. A reference to a clause, part, schedule or attachment is a reference to a clause, part, schedule or attachment of or to this document.

  7. An expression importing a natural person includes any company, trust, partnership, joint venture, association, body corporate or governmental agency.

  8. Where a word or phrase is given a defined meaning, another part of speech or other grammatical form in respect of that word or phrase has a corresponding meaning.

  9. A word which denotes the singular denotes the plural, a word which denotes the plural denotes the singular, and a reference to any gender denotes the other genders.

  10. References to the word ‘include’ or ‘including’ are to be construed without limitation.

  11. A reference to this document includes the agreement recorded in this document.

  12. Any schedules and attachments form part of this document.


3. Works and services

3.1 We will undertake the works referred to in the Scope of Work and provide You with the Services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 


4. Licence

4.1 We warrant that We have the right and authority to grant You the Licence.

4.2 You shall not copy, alter, modify or reproduce the Licensed Software without Our prior written consent.

4.3 The Licence is not transferable by You to a Third Party.


5. Payment obligations

5.1 The initial invoice for the Annual Access Fee and Fixed Hosting Fee will be issued 7 days after signing this agreement. All invoices will include the Licence Fee for the following period of one year of use.  We will continue invoicing You yearly until this Agreement is terminated in accordance with clause 14.  Quarterly payments can be arranged should you pay by direct debit.  Please note, fees will be charged should direct debit be done via credit card transaction.  There are no fees for direct debit out of your bank account.  

An invoice for any other charges or fees that may arise from any additional services or products provided as Supplementary Services at the Prevailing Hourly Rate, in accordance with Our tax invoices. 

5.2 The initial software licence invoice is payable within 30 days of the date of issue. Subsequent software licence invoices will be payable within 7 days. 

5.3 Our fees do not include taxes and You are responsible for all taxes and duties whatsoever which may be or may become payable pursuant to this Agreement or arising from the use of the Licensed Software including but not limited to GST referred to in clause 7. 

5.4 The fees listed in the Customer Order Form will remain fixed for the Initial Term, excluding any applicable annual increase referred to in Clause 5.5, and thereafter. We shall notify You in writing thirty (30) days in advance of any increases.

5.5 We shall be entitled to increase Our fees. Our fee increase will be limited to once per year. 

5.6 We reserve the right to increase the Software Subscription Fee and the Fixed Hosting Fee in circumstances where You merge with, amalgamate with, acquire, or transact on behalf of another business or entity which has the effect of increasing the level of use of the Licensed Software. 


6. Maintenance and backup

6.1 We will perform Scheduled Maintenance from time to time during the hours of 10pm to 6am AEST. You will be notified by email at least 48 hours prior to Us conducting any Scheduled Maintenance. Scheduled Maintenance may affect connectivity from the Hosting Environment to the Internet. Examples of Scheduled Maintenance include, but are not limited to, the application of security patches and upgrading hardware. 

6.2 Unscheduled Maintenance may need to be performed from time to time. Unscheduled Maintenance may affect connectivity from the Hosting Environment to the Internet. Examples of Unscheduled Maintenance include but are not limited to the rectification of equipment failure or network connectivity failure. Where Unscheduled Maintenance has affected connectivity from the Hosting Environment to the Internet You will be notified by email. 

6.3 We will perform nightly backups of the Customer Data between the hours of 1am and 4am AEST to location redundant storage. 


7. Goods and services tax

7.1 or the purpose of this Agreement “GST” means the Australian goods and services tax as defined in the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999. 

7.2 The Parties acknowledge that GST shall be payable in respect of a supply made under this Agreement;

7.3 Where GST becomes payable in respect of a supply made under this Agreement We shall recover the GST from You by increasing the consideration payable by You to Us by an amount equal to that which We are obliged to remit to the Australian Commonwealth as GST on the supply and that amount shall be recovered from You as part of the monies payable to Us under this Agreement. 

7.4 We shall issue to You a valid Australian GST Tax Invoice in respect of any taxable supply made under this Agreement. 

7.5 Terms used in this Agreement have the meanings given to them in the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth). 


8. Security, privacy, and laws

8.1 We must:

comply with Your reasonable procedures and safeguards in force from time to time concerning the risk of destruction, loss, disclosure, alteration, or unauthorised use of Your Data where such procedures have been provided to Us in writing; 

comply with all Laws applicable to the performance of Our obligations under this Agreement; and 

obtain and maintain any licences, authorisations, consents, approvals and permits required by such applicable Laws. 

8.2 We must ensure that adequate perimeter defence is in place in order to safeguard Customer Data 

8.3 If We become aware of a breach or potential breach of such procedures and safeguards We must immediately: notify you of such breach or potential breach; identify the cause;  do all that is reasonably within Our power to remedy any breach and its consequences;  do all that is reasonably within Our power to ensure that any potential breach does not become an actual breach. 


9. Warranties

9.1 Each Party warrants that:

  1. it is empowered, by its Constitution, to enter into this Agreement and to do all things that will be required by this Agreement;
  2. all things have been done or will be done as may be necessary to render this Agreement legally enforceable in accordance with its terms and that they are fully valid and binding on it; and
  3. to the best of its knowledge at the time of supply, any information provided by it to the other party is correct and not misleading in any material respect.

9.2 You warrant and will continue to warrant to Us that:

  1. You hold and will continue to hold the copyright in the Customer Data or that You are and will remain otherwise entitled or licensed to use the Customer Data;
  2. the Customer Data is not knowingly and will not knowingly be actionable for any breach of copyright, passing off, defamation, breach of confidence, interference with privacy, or any contravention of any other law or private right whatsoever;
  3. in respect of the Customer Data used in connection with advertising You have and will continue to materially comply with all relevant laws with respect to the use of the Customer Data in connection with said advertising;
  4. You are solely responsible for dealing with persons who access the Customer Data from the Licensed Web Sites and must not refer complaints or enquiries in relation to the Customer Data to Us;
  5. in retaining Us to provide the Services under this Agreement You have not relied on and shall not rely on any representation made by Us which has not been stated expressly in this Agreement or another written agreement or upon any descriptions or illustrations or specifications contained in any catalogues or publicity material produced by Us;
  6. You will keep secure any passwords or identification issued by Us or used to access the Licensed Web Sites.
  7. You will ensure that You have in place any licences required for Third Party software or services that the Licensed Software interacts with or interfaces with.


10. Acknowledgement and authorisation

10.1 You acknowledge that:

  1. We are not the author of the Customer Data;
  2. We have not made any attempt to verify the accuracy of the facts statements and opinions in the Customer Data;
  3. We have not taken any role in editing changing or modifying the Customer Data;
  4. We are not responsible for any loss injury claim or expense incurred by any user as a result of any user relying on any fact statement or opinion in the Customer Data (whether negligent or not);
  5. the opinions in the Customer Data do not necessarily reflect Our opinions;
  6. We are not responsible for any offence taken by any user to any fact statement or opinion in the Customer Data; and
  7. We are not responsible for ensuring that the Customer Data located in the Hosting Environment under this Agreement is covered by appropriate insurance policies.


11. Liabilities

11.1 We shall not be liable for:

any economic, indirect or consequential loss or damage; or 
any other costs, claims, loss or damage of any kind in excess of the aggregate for the previous twelve (12) months of the Fees paid by You up to the date of the loss or damage arising from Your use of or inability to use Our products or Services or from Your reliance on or use of information provided on or through Our web site caused by Our performance or failure to perform the Services in accordance with this Agreement or to perform this Agreement.


12. Confidentiality

12.1 Each Party agrees to keep confidential and not to use or disclose, other than as permitted by this Agreement, any Confidential Information of the other Party.

12.2 The obligations of confidence extend to Confidential Information provided to or obtained by a Party before entering into this Agreement.

12.3 The following items are specifically agreed by the Parties to be excluded from the restraints contained in this clause being applied to Confidential Information:

  1. those which are required to be disclosed by Law by a Court or Governmental Agency provided that before disclosing any information the recipient has promptly notified the discloser in writing and the recipient has exhausted all reasonable steps (whether required by the discloser or not) to maintain such Confidential Information in confidence; 
  2. those which are required to be disclosed in accordance with the rules of any stock exchange upon which the recipient's securities are listed; 
  3. those which are in the public domain otherwise than as a result of a breach of this Agreement or other obligation of confidence; or 
  4. those which are already known by or rightfully received or independently developed by the recipient free of any obligation of confidence. 

12.4 Each Party may use and disclose Confidential Information of the other only on a "need to know" and confidential basis with the prior written consent of the other Party:

  1. to its officers, agents, professional advisers, employees, contractors and sub contractors;
  2. to its Related Bodies Corporate and their officers agents, professional advisers, employees, contractors and sub contractors; or
  3. to any mediator appointed under this Agreement,
    solely for the exercise of rights or the performance of obligations under this Agreement.

12.5 Each Party which discloses Confidential Information of the other pursuant to clauses 12.4(a) and 12.4(b) must ensure that such information is kept confidential by the recipient.

12.6 Each Party's obligations under this clause 12 continue until the Confidential Information disclosed to it lawfully becomes part of the public domain.


13. Intellectual property

13.1 If a Party intends to copy material obtained from the other it must reproduce any copyright confidentiality attribution or other legend which appears on such material.

13.2 We must include copyright confidentiality attribution and other similar legends in a form reasonably required by You on any material You create which is to be owned or controlled by You.

13.3 Each Party must perform its obligations and exercise its rights under this clause in a manner consistent with the reasonable directions of the other Party so as not to infringe or misappropriate any Intellectual Property Rights of any person.

13.4 We must not make any copy of the Customer Data except for back-up and security.

13.5 The copies for backup and security belong to You and are subject to this Agreement as if they were Confidential Information.

13.6 We must not use the copy for any other purpose.

13.7 Ownership of the Intellectual Property of the Licensed Software and any Developed Software remains with Us even though You may have contributed to its creation.


14. Termination

14.1 Either You or We may terminate this Agreement in the following circumstances:

if either You or We fail to strictly and promptly observe and comply with any covenant under this Agreement whether expressed or implied (“the Defaulting Party”) it shall be lawful for the Party not being in breach (“the Non-Defaulting Party”) to serve on the Defaulting Party notice specifying the particular breach complained of and giving thirty (30) days within which the Defaulting Party must correct the breach. If at the expiration of the said thirty (30) days the breach has not been rectified the Non-Defaulting Party may at its option immediately terminate this Agreement but without prejudice to its rights of action or remedies in respect of any breach of this Agreement by the Defaulting Party; 

if there should be a Receiver appointed in relation to any property or interest of either Party, or if either of Us is wound up, dissolved or terminated by any lawful means whatsoever (“the Insolvent Party”), then immediately upon notice being given by the other Party (“the Solvent Party”) to that effect this Agreement shall determine absolutely but without prejudice to the right of action or other remedies of the Solvent Party in respect of any breach of the Insolvent Party’s covenants, stipulations or agreements herein contained or implied;  


after the initial term,  These Terms will continue for the period covered by the Licence Fee paid or payable. At the end the Initial term, the agreement will renew for an additional 12 months, provided You continue to pay the prescribed Licence Fee when due, unless either party terminates these Terms by giving notice to the other party with at least 30 days written notice prior to the renewal date. 


15. Effect of termination

15.1 Upon termination of this Agreement by whatever means and howsoever effected:

both Parties will be regarded as discharged from any further obligations under this Agreement (other than outstanding obligations to pay money); 
We must promptly at Your direction return to You, delete or destroy all of the Customer Data held by Us; and either Party may pursue any remedies available to it in law or in equity.

15.2 Notwithstanding clause 15.1, the terms and conditions of clauses 11 and 14, together with any definitional or interpretational clauses required to give effect to those clauses will remain operative and in full force and effect after the expiry or termination of this Agreement, by whatever means and howsoever effected.


16. Dispute resolution

16.1 Subject to clause 16.4 before any legal proceedings are commenced the Parties must promptly enter into good faith negotiations pursuant to this clause and to engage in the mediation process pursuant to clause 16.4 to attempt to resolve any disputes arising under the Agreement.

16.2 A dispute will be regarded as having arisen on the date that a Party gives the other written notice identifying the dispute.

16.3 In the first instance any dispute will be referred to the chief executive officer of each Party or his nominee to seek a mutual resolution of the dispute.

16.4 The Parties agree that any dispute which cannot be satisfactorily resolved by the Parties themselves within 14 (fourteen) days of the dispute arising will be referred to a process of non-binding mediation to be conducted by a mediator in accordance with guidelines to be agreed by the Parties provided that if the Parties fail to agree on who should be the mediator or how the mediation should be conducted they will request the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia to recommend a suitable mediator who will conduct the mediation in accordance with the guidelines and procedures of the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia and the Parties will seek to complete the mediation within 28 (twenty-eight) days of the matter being referred to mediation. 

16.5 Nothing in this clause will prevent a Party from seeking urgent interlocutory relief.

16.6 Notwithstanding the existence of a dispute We must at all times continue to perform the Agreement and to provide the Services and You and We must continue to comply with the other requirements of the Agreement.


17. Force majeure

17.1 Neither Party shall be liable for any delay or failure to perform its obligations pursuant to this Agreement if such failure or delay is due to Force Majeure.

17.2 The Party to this Agreement seeking to rely on a circumstance of Force Majeure shall immediately notify the other Party of any anticipated delay due to Force Majeure and the performance of the Party's obligations under this Agreement will be suspended for the period of the delay due to Force Majeure. 


If the period of the delay due to Force Majeure exceeds sixty (60) days the Party for whose benefit an obligation remains unperformed may immediately terminate this Agreement on providing notice to the other Party and if such notice is given: 
We shall refund moneys previously paid by You under this Agreement for which no products or Services have been provided; and 

You shall pay Us the greater of: 

a reasonable sum in relation to products supplied or Services rendered and any costs and expenses incurred prior to termination; and 

the Software Subscription Fee and Hosting Fee (or any part thereof calculated on a pro-rata basis) for the period up to the date of termination of the performance of Our obligations under this Agreement. 


18. Entire agreement

18.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof and shall supersede all previous negotiations commitments and writings and it shall not be varied except by an instrument in writing signed by a duly authorised representative of each of the Parties. 


19. Escrow arrangements

19.1 We warrant that We will enter into an escrow deposit agreement with an escrow agent if requested by You at Your expense.

19.2 We shall at Your request notify the escrow agent that You are authorised to enter into an escrow services agreement with the escrow agent on terms and conditions satisfactory to Us for the Licensed Software. 


20. Notices

20.1 Any notice or communication given to a Party is only given if it is in writing and sent in one of the following ways:

delivered or posted to that Party at its address and marked for the attention of the relevant department or officer (if any) set out below; or 
emailed to that Party at its email address and marked for the attention of the relevant department or officer (if any) set out below: 
Name: Commerce Vision Pty Ltd 
Address: PO Box 885, Coorparoo, QLD 4151 
Email Address: 
Attention: Mr Andrew Rogencamp 
To the Name and Address specified in the Customer Order Form 

20.2 If a Party gives the other Party three (3) Business Days' notice of a change of its address any notice or communication is only given by that other Party if it is delivered or posted to the latest address. 

20.3 A notice is effective:

if delivered by hand, on the date it is delivered to the addressee; 
if mailed to an address in the city of dispatch, on the date which is three (3) Business Days after the date of dispatch; 

if mailed to an address not in the city of dispatch, on the date which is five (5) Business Days after the date of dispatch; or 

if sent electronically: 
at the time shown in the delivery confirmation report generated by the sender's email system; or 

if the sender’s email system does not generate a delivery confirmation report within twelve (12) hours after the time the email is sent, unless the sender receives a return email notification that the email was not delivered, undeliverable or similar, at the time which is twelve (12) hours from the time the email was sent, unless a later time is specified in the notice.

20.4 If any notice or communication is given on a day that is not a Business Day or after 5pm on a Business Day in the place of the Party to whom it is sent it is to be treated as having been given at the beginning of the next Business Day.


21. Miscellaneous

21.1 Waiver

  1. A provision of or a right created under this Agreement may not be waived except in writing signed by the Party granting the waiver or variation except in writing signed by the Parties.
  2. This Agreement and the transactions contemplated by this Agreement are governed by the law in force in Queensland and the Parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Queensland.
  3. Neither Party may assign or transfer its rights and obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other Party.

21.2 Costs
Except as otherwise set out in this document each Party must pay its own costs and expenses in relation to preparing negotiating executing and completing this document and any document related to this document.

21.3 Execution of separate documents
This document is properly executed if each Party executes either this document or an identical document and in the latter case this document takes effect when the separately executed documents are exchanged between the Parties.

21.4 Further acts
Each Party must at its own expense promptly execute all documents and do or use all reasonable endeavours to cause a Third Party to do all things that the other Party from time to time may reasonably request in order to give effect to perfect or complete this document and all transactions incidental to it.

21.5 Joint and individual liability and benefits
Except as otherwise set out in this document any agreement, covenant representation or warranty under this Agreement by two or more persons binds them jointly and each of them individually, and any benefit in favour of two or more persons is for the benefit of them jointly and each of them individually.

21.6 Severability
Each provision of this Agreement is individually severable and if any provision is or becomes illegal unenforceable or invalid in any jurisdiction it is to be treated as being severed from this document in the relevant jurisdiction but the rest of this document will not be affected and the legality validity and enforceability of the provision in any other jurisdiction will not be affected.


21.7 Variation
No variation of this Agreement will be of any force or effect unless it is in writing and signed by each Party to this document. 

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