Helen Ross 21 March 2018 3 min read

Login with Facebook and Automated Cross sell/Upsell

I was going to come up with something kitschy and clever for the blog title today, but I figure since we’ve spent so long talking about giving people exactly what they want through methods like personalisation… I’ll just say we’re giving you exactly what you want!


Today’s play in two acts: Login with Facebook and Automated cross sell/upsell.


Act I: Login with Facebook


Back in version 3.96, we introduced the ability to login with Google (if you’re curious you can check out the documentation here). A number of you asked me the obvious question: when are you integrating login with Facebook? Well, the answer is Now! With a caveat of From version 4.03+.


You’ll need to create an app within Facebook for the login to work, but the good news is our documentation guru worked her magic and showed you not only how to turn on the feature within our CMS, but also how to get the Facebook side ready to go. Want to know how to do it yourself? Check out the Login with Facebook documentation here.


Act II: Automated cross sell/upsell


If you made it to our Insights 2018 event, you would have heard Andrew speaking about another piece of the personalisation puzzle, which we’re calling Wisdom of the Crowd. Couldn’t make it? That’s ok – I’m here to give you a breakdown.


Because we know that your customer facing staff (sales reps, customer service, in store staff etc) will always have most the detailed product knowledge – afterall they live and breathe your business– we created a solution that leveraged their skills.


Wisdom of the Crowd utilises your complete PRONTO data to generate related products based on what has previously been purchased together. This means your website can now make the same clever suggestions you’ve worked so hard to train your staff to provide. The more times two unique products are purchased in the same order, the higher the correlation. Because we pull the information directly from PRONTO, we have a complete overview of buyer behaviour (hence: Wisdom of the Crowd).



We then take these correlated products and display them using the Cross sell/upsell widget (often called “related products”) on the product detail page. You can determine the number of products you want to have displayed and also manually add products that may not have the data to support their correlation yet.


Let me give you an example:


We stock a high end Cordless Drill on the website. It’s a top seller.


We’ve also recently started stocking a brand new accessory for it: a diamond-tipped bit set. It’s only been released this week, so I know we won’t have any purchase history for it yet. Therefore, I’ve added it in the CMS as a Related Product to help drive those first sales.


Because I want the the Cross sell widget to display six related products, it will display the diamond-tipped bit set I’ve added, and Wisdom of the Crowd will take care of the other five spots. Products will be automatically populated based on aggregate buyer behaviour (both in-store and online). So the end user looking at the Cordless Drill will see the new bit set I want to highlight, as well as two sizes of battery, a carry case, a charger, and a glass and tile drill set.


I now have six closely-linked products served to my customer without needing to manually populate anything (beyond what I specifically want to highlight).


Cool, right? Product suggestions without manual labour!


Check out our documentation for Wisdom of the Crowd here. If you would like to discuss implementing Wisdom of the Crowd for your site, feel free to drop me a line.


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