Dee Robbins 09 June 2020 2 min read

Innovation & Disruption in eCommerce

Recently I had the opportunity to attend the Online Retail Global Digital Day and loved it!  

Today I wanted to release a blog about some key tips that I took away and share them with you.  

You hear about businesses being disrupters within their industry... ​but have you ever considered being a disrupter within your own organisation?

OK, let’s talk about innovation and creating disruption in changing times.  


What does that mean you might ask? 

Essentially, to be able to consider any digital transformation you need the right attitude. A growth mindset and be able to overcome any objections you face. Do not be afraid of resistance.  

In a changing eCommerce market, there will always be a small few that will say to you - ‘but, that’s not how we have done it in the past’. That’s ok, but going forward, know that to see change and more growth you need to change what you have always done.  

Some simple tips that you can implement right now using your eCommerce platform: 

  • Personalise your product

One way to instil trust is with communication. You can do this using layers within the CMS. Using layers allows you to display different messages to your B2B, B2C and your public users. 

  • Create authenticity in everything you do. 

Not only with your content but engagement with your customers. The customer journey is half the battle. An easy example for you is postage. If your delivery times have changed and are delayed or longer than usual – shout it from the roof top! Let your customers know and BE AUTHENTIC in what you do. 

  • Videos and how-to content- on your website.  

Try and remind your customers that you are behind your brand. You may have noticed I am doing CMS help videos for our customers. I do this because I genuinely care about how you learn. Why try and do the same thing if it doesn’t work. Some people do not want to read a help document. How can I help? I now offer short help videos.  


The question you need to ask yourself: How do we break it, to make it better? This was said a few times within digital day.  It really resonated with me as I have always believed there is no reason to reinvent the wheel. However, let’s start to challenge how you have always done it. With this changing market, it has forced businesses to disrupt their own expectations. Reach higher than before and come out the other side of this better off.